Important information!
Due to the emerging cases of mailings sent on behalf of the Alina Kabaeva Charitable Foundation representatives, we’d like to state that the foundation does not send letters and does not practice any fundraising.
27 November
The Academy has finished the selection process of preschoolers into free early development groups
Many thanks to all of the participants and their parents!
19 November
Russia’s Honored coach Tatyana Sergaeva talks about working with the Academy's group exercise gymnasts
After the training session with the Academy's group exercises team, the Tatyana shared details of the preparation and mentioned their performance with a showcase number at the Sky Grace Grace Cup in Qatar.
17 November
Cuban gymnasts Isabella Rojas and Lizabeth Godales arrive at the Academy
The athletes will prepare for the international Sky Grace Cup tournament, which will be held in Qatar, November 20 to 22.
10 November
Academy congratulates coaches on their professional holiday
Our staff received congratulations from Academy administration representatives and after the evening training session, the gymnasts read poems for the coaches.
31 October
Asel Arapova and Coach Natalia Belugina came to the Academy to prepare for the Sky Grace Cup in Qatar
They are preparing for the Sky Grace Cup international tournament that will be held in Qatar from November 20 to 22.
27 October
Academy guests visited the rhythmic gymnastics museum on the Open Day
The Open Day was held in the Academy in honor of the All-Russian Gymnastics Day.
27 October
A new series of the Three Cats cartoon was showed to Academy guests on the Open Day
The new series is titled the Ribbons of Friendship. Characters of the cartoon go in for rhythmic gymnastics in the story.
27 October
Alina Protasova is the new Academy coach!
Alina is the champion of the 1st CIS Games, the multiple prizewinner of the Russian championship, and the winner of international and all-Russian competitions.
25 October
The Academy will hold an open-door event in honor of the All-Russian Gymnastics Day!
We invite children and parents to an Open Day dedicated to our favorite sport’s holiday!
18 October