Academy teacher Natalia Lobko sums up the results of preschoolers' classes

25 December 2024
Academy teacher Natalia Lobko sums up the results of preschoolers' classes

Teacher Natalia Lobko conducts classes for the free early development groups. At the end of the first half of the year, the Academy specialist talked about developmental methods and games for young athletes.

"In our classes, integration is everywhere: mathematics, speech development, and also active games and creativity. That is, for example, our game is connected with mathematical concepts, and here we can also include speech development. I notice that children's speech has gotten better,  it has become more colorful. Children express their emotions better, children have gotten better at counting, they know what the numbers look like well.  And it was also very important for us that the children all became friends," she said.

Natalia also shared how she manages to make classes equally interesting for girls and boys.

"The boys and girls from the Martial Arts Academy are slightly different, they are very agile and strong. We were always coming up with new games — how to make it interesting for all of them, and at the same time, so that they are all on the same level later. We were also interested in observing whether the boys would like it or not. And here’s what’s interesting: they really enjoyed working at the creativity center. And they turned out to be very diligent, very attentive, they try really hard, that is, their crafts turn out beautifully."

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