This time in our section on the International Association rules we will talk about the features of combined elements.
At the Sky Grace tournaments in the gymnasts’ programs, rotations performed on other parts of the body can be part of the combinations. The main conditions of execution are on the card!
Rotations and balances performed on other parts of the body can be used in combined Difficulties, with condition:
– consisting of two or three DB;
– performed in a connected way, consequently, and without stop.
Note that you can combine not only rotations, but also other elements on other parts of the body. The video shows an example of such a combined element: balance KB (Kabaeva) on the chest with help with a transition to rotation on the chest KN (Kanaeva) with the help of the hand.
For two elements in the combination, the athlete will receive 1.30 points.
For more on combined elements check here:
International Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs Association rules.