"Rulebook excerpts". Combined body Difficulty

09 June 2024
"Rulebook excerpts". Combined body Difficulty

The next Rulebook excerpt pertains to Combined Difficulties of Body (DB). 

Combination elements are rated particularly high in the Sky Grace rules.   

2.5. COMBINED BODY DIFFICULTY. Combined body Difficulty consists of two or three DB performed in a connected, consecutive manner (without hop and traveling on the support leg).


2.5.1. All DB must be from the tables of body Difficulties. 

Difficulties included in the Combined Difficulty can be:

- from different groups of body elements (same or different shape);

- from the same group of body elements but must be in different shapes.

And Sky Grace Grand Prix prizewinner Viktoria Bespalova demonstrates an example consisting of a balance stand sideways, an attitude, and a back pirouette!

What does the Combined Difficulty consist of? What are the criteria for its performance? Read the details in our rules: 

International Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs Association rules.

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