The following excerpt is from the International Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnasics Clubs Association rules.
We have already talked about the fouette balance, and now we will show how it can be used in a combination difficulty.
The main criteria for its perormance as part of a combination are on the card! The "Italian" fouette can be combined with other balances, as well as with rotations and jumps.
The fouette balance can be performed also:
- as the first and/or second part of a combined Difficulty in connection with a rotation and a jump.
Let's look at some examples. In the first video, the gymnast performs a fouette balance combined with a Kabaeva turn in a front split. The value of a combination like this is 0.90 points (0.40 + 0.50).
And in the second video, the athlete demonstrates a combination element, which consists of a fouette balance with a throwover jump into a split. In this case, the combination is worth 0.80 points (0.40 + 0.40).
You can find the rules on our website:
International Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs Association rules.