Our judges. Alexandra Suprun

17 June 2024
Our judges. Alexandra Suprun

Alexandra Suprun from St. Petersburg - Pedagogical Sciences Candidate,   Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics at the Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health, co-author of methodological manuals on rhythmic gymnastics, trainer-teacher at the Center for Specialist Training at the Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health.

The judge explained why she considers the International Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs Association rules, promising and what she expects from the upcoming International Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs Association  tournaments:

"The Sky Grace rules allow you to reveal the athletes’ potential, identify talented, gifted children, and demonstrate their artistic and coordination abilities. From tournaments I expect interesting, extraordinary compositions with unique craftsmanship of the objects and original elements!"

Alexandra Suprun was awarded the judging category in both individual and group exercises.

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