“Everything has been sorted out.” Italian judge Anastasia Mishenina about the Academy seminar

A coach and judge from Italy, Anastasia Mishenina, came to the Academy for a seminar on the judging rules of the Sky Grace International Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs Association.
She shared her impressions of the event.
“I really liked the seminar. The available materials. The lecturers laid it out in a very simple form all the material that we need for future work. I really liked some of the artistry -they put everything right out. Sky Grace always has a special approach to children as gymnasts, judges, and coaches. Everything is very friendly,” she said.
The coach also explained how the updated rules will help her student Pelageya Ananova score more points.
“After the last competition there were additions. My gymnast Pelageya Ananova performed the most difficult element - four helicopters under a throw. Before the competition in China there were no bonuses for this. Now I see that this bonus has been added to the rules. This is very nice because we really stand out with this and can now earn a lot of points from it,” the coach said.
Pelageya Ananova has already performed according to the Sky Grace rules at the international Games of Countries tournament in Sochi and at Sky Grace-2023 in Beijing.