Coach and judge Nasiba Khalikova spoke about the organization of the Shining Star tournament in Tashkent

Coach and judge from Uzbekistan Nasiba Khalikova spoke about the organization of the international Shining Star tournament in Tashkent,
“We are glad that our friend countries came to this tournament. Girls from Russia, from Kyrgyzstan, also from Tajikistan. For the first time, our Federation organized a tournament like this for juniors and pre-juniors. This is a very wonderful idea, because children from different countries get to know each other and look at each other.”
She also compared international rules, according to which the competition was held, and Sky Grace rules.
“Each rule is good in its own way. The FIG rules involve a lot of work with the object; the children mainly gain from working with it. There are fewer elements there. Meanwhile, according to the Sky Grace rules, gifted and talented children can fully present themselves, show various combined elements, because there are no such restrictions like under the FIG rules. I see it in my gymnast Natalya Usova, who has already participated in Sky Grace twice. After every competition she makes a huge step forward.”
The professional also shared her impressions from visiting the Alina Kabaeva Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Academy.
“We visited the Academy three times. To say that it’s very cool would be to say nothing at all. The conditions created there are absolutely perfect for everything: for training, for recovery, accommodation, food, and walking. The atmosphere in Sky Grace is very cozy. Everyone is smiling, everyone is friendly. Children that don’t know us always say hello, always with a smile. They are as open as Alina Kabaeva herself. We would like to thank her. Thank you very much for such experience, for the opportunity to attend and participate.”
Natalia Usova, a trainee of Nasiba Khalikova, took part in the Games of Countries tournament and won bronze in the seniors program.Эээ