"We love experiments!" Russia’s Honored Coach Lyaysan Savitskaya — about the Games of Countries tournament

24 October 2023
"We love experiments!" Russia’s Honored Coach Lyaysan Savitskaya — about the Games of Countries tournament

Honored Coach of Russia Lyaysan Savitskaya, who came to the Academy for the Games of Countries tournament together with Lala Kramarenko, summed up the results of the competition.

"We are delighted and very happy. Conditions are excellent here, a beautiful hall and warm atmosphere. We were received awesomely, with plaudits and applause. We enjoyed everything and the children performed well. That’s why we are so happy," the coach said. 

Lyaysan explained what is necessary to achieve high results in sports.

"It is always necessary to work hard, but the main point is to do this with love and with desire. If a child has a desire and a coach has a desire, then, certainly, a good, sound and high result appears when they coincide," she said. 

The coach also explained why both she and her students like the Sky Grace International Clubs Association rules.

"We always like experiments.  This is not our first year of participation. We participated in the Sky Grace for two years in a row with Lala Kramarenko. We are fond of these rules. We like these elements very much, where all the abilities of children can be shown, like flexibility, and some complex elements combined with the object. Therefore, it was very interesting for us and we are happy that we took part," she said. 

At the international Games of Countries tournament, Lala Kramarenko became the absolute champion in the all-around of  the senior program. Games of Countries tournament, Lala Kramarenko became the absolute champion in the all-around of  the senior program.

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