“I really like it here!” Gymnast Maria Zakharova talks about the training camp in the Academy
Gymnast Maria Zakharova is practicing programs before competitions during the training camp of the Trade Unions athletic and sports society — she will perform in May at the Crimson Sails inter-municipal contest.
Honored Coach of Russia Galina Oglezneva commended her exercise with the hoop at the next workout in the Academy.
Maria shared pieces of advice given to her by the professional after the training session.
“I really like working with the other coaches because they look at your exercise differently, from their point of view. And you accept it too, and when many points of view of different coaches are combined, it turns out perfect. And Galina Vladimirovna told me to change the last risk with a catch. And about the rolls, that I need to turn them all the way through 360 degrees.”
The athlete told us about her goals for the training camp.
“My goals for this training camp are to prepare as much as possible for the competitions that will take place in May. I would really like to perform for them since I have a new program, all four types, and I would really like to show them.”
The gymnast also commended conditions in the Academy.
“I really like it here, because at the same time there are a large number of halls and a variety of them, specifically for choreography, ordinary halls, the main space. And the ceilings are very conveniently made, perfect for gymnasts.”