"Every training session felt like a holiday!" Mother of a preschooler talks about the school year at the Academy

Tatiana Kostandyan, mother of preschooler Sabina, shared her impressions of the holiday at the Academy.
"A whole range of emotions, I thank everyone involved in organizing this wonderful mother’s holiday. It was very touching to watch how the girls, like real princesses, the graduates walked along the podium and received awards. Everything was simply at the highest level. The child’s first graduation, in general, the first event of this type, so yes, it was particularly emotional," Tatiana said.
She fondly looked back at her daughter's school year at Sirius.
"First of all, we treated each training session as a holiday. We got ready, and braided her hair with pleasure. The atmosphere itself, the setting, everything was conducive for the child to go and enjoy studying. The attitude of teachers towards the child. I have never heard a child say that she wanted to stay home without a good reason. She always went to class with great joy and enthusiasm, and, of course, showed what she learned at home," the mother said.
On August 23, the little athletes from the Academy's free early development groups had their graduation ceremony.