Alina Harnasko answered the question about the continuation of her sport career after performing at the Chrystal Rose

29 July 2024
Alina Harnasko answered the question about the continuation of her sport career after performing at the Chrystal Rose

Leader of the Belarusian national team and bronze medalist of the Tokyo Olympics Alina Harnasko concluded the performance at the Crystal Rose international tournament.

"The all-around of my beloved Crystal Rose in Minsk has ended. I was delighted with my exercises. I had mistakes but probably three out of four were just right made by me. I am satisfied, coaches are satisfied. I rested, enjoyed, did a good job and I am merely happy that we are back at home, that the stands are almost packed and that only my dear people are nearby. Probably this is what happiness is!"

Alina also told us about the continuation of her sport career.

"It will be the 20th anniversary of my rhythmic gymnastics practice in December. I passed through plenty of different levels thus far, already experienced a lot in this sport. And I have already seen and met many generations in this sport. I have such heartbreaking points inside. I have already cried a lot, I have already given a good deal of thought. I shall not promise anything. Firstly, I will make a small stop. I have a bunch of health problems. A certain period of time should pass, so that it becomes a bit easier, from the time when the Olympic Games have already kicked off. It is painful. I have not performed on this floor for a long time. I missed it, I was nervous, I did not know the levels they had. I was particularly preparing for this tournament, although it seemed to me that the most difficult things were left behind."

The gymnast noted progress of the Sky Grace International Association.

"All of us clearly see what outstanding development the Sky Grace Association has, therefore great success to them, strong health to all the girls, strength and patience to all the coaches. I simply see how the team is working, how their machine progresses. This is not the first time we meet them here thus far."

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