"We are all moving in the same direction and developing!" TODES Studio School students talking about at the Alina 2024 festival

02 March 2024
"We are all moving in the same direction and developing!" TODES Studio School students talking about at the Alina 2024 festival

Director of the Studio School Alesya Makh spoke about the features of preparing the performance, which will also include participants from different Russian regions.

"We have two groups participating. There were rehearsals every day. We put together the performance bit by bit, since it is quite long. The blocks were lined up: some parts were taken from the beginning, some from the end, then the middle was completed. There are kids from completely different cities taking part in our show. It is the biggest. And the difficulty of it is that everyone learned it from video, we choreographed some parts, Andrei Brykanov did other parts, so everything was assembled online. And since there are a lot of people, of course, this takes a lot of time."

Her students Victoria Vasilenko and Angelina Syvorotkina shared their impressions of the rehearsals.

"It’s easy for us to work with the teacher. Everything is going on in a cheerful, good way. We are all moving in the same direction and developing the same way! The atmosphere is very cool, merely incredible! Everything is very interesting, very beautiful all around. We really like it!"

The Alina 2024 Festival will be held in the Academy in Sochi on March 2, and the Minsk Arena will be its host on March 5.

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