Procedure for admission of judges to tournaments under the auspices of the Sky Grace International Clubs Association

In anticipation of the start of the first competitions of 2025, the International Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs Association would like to inform about the procedure for admitting judges to tournaments under the auspices of the Association.
To work at competitions, judges must complete an online seminar and pass an exam on the rules of the International Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs Association.
The exam will be held in early February on an online platform developed by the International Sky Grace International Clubs Association.
To register for the exam, please send in your application via email:
You can read the full version of the rules here:
Draft Rules of the Sky Grace International Association of Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs.
The competition scheduled can be viewed here:
Competition Schedule of the Sky Grace International Clubs Association for 2025.