Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva addresses preschoolers from the Academy's free early development groups on graduation day

"My dear children! Little stars! Little raspberries! Smart girls! And now you are also Academy graduates! Sky Grace Rhythmic Gymnastics Academy!
At the Academy you studied a lot and learned a lot. You were involved in sports, creative tasks, music and choreography, and studied a foreign language. You had real competitions! You know how to show off your achievements, enjoy each other’s successes, and your biggest victories, of course, lie ahead.
The most important thing is that you know how to learn and compete! And that's wonderful!
After all, you have school ahead of you and many different important events. And everything you learned at the Academy will definitely help you cope with difficulties and move forward!
The Academy wishes you success and isn’t saying goodbye to you!
We will be glad to see you at our events! We believe in you! And we wish you success!"